Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Dan Wolf '79 for State Senate

From a Wesleyan LinkedIn posting:
We write to share some exciting news with you. One of our own – Dan Wolf ’79 – is running for the State Senate for Cape Cod and the Islands. The Democratic primary, which is contested, is on September 14, 2010.

In a nutshell, here’s who Dan is and what he’s been up to:

After graduating from Wesleyan, Dan moved to Cape Cod, where he founded Cape Air. Starting small, with one plane, one route, and a handful of employees, under Dan’s leadership, Cape Air became one of the Cape’s biggest employers, and one of the most successful regional airlines in the country. Now with close to 1,000 employees, through Cape Air, Dan has created jobs and opportunity for Cape Codders and Islanders even in the toughest economic times.
Throughout his remarkable business career, Dan has stayed true to his Wesleyan roots and values. He has had an active civic and public service life, including serving on many of the region’s most important arts, environment, and human service organizations, from Harwich Junior Theatre and the Arts Foundation of Cape Cod to the Association to Preserve Cape Cod and Housing Assistance Corporation. He builds bridges between public, private, and non-profit groups, believing – in the best of Wesleyan traditions -- that collaboration is how our communities stay strong. Because of his leadership and values, Cape Air has supported thousands of worthy non-profit causes over the decades, earning recognition as one of the most philanthropic companies in Southeastern Massachusetts. A recent example: two Cape Air planes flew multiple humanitarian missions to Haiti to help with earthquake relief. Dan has been honored by Angel Flight New England for the hundreds of medical relief passengers Cape Air has flown over the years.
Dan also has spearheaded Cape Air’s ‘Greening Initiative,’ which includes the construction of Southeastern Massachusetts’ largest solar panel system. By the end of the year, the company’s Barnstable headquarters will be electricity neutral, proof that alternative energy really works — while creating more good construction and engineering jobs.

We encourage you to visit Dan’s campaign website, www.danwolfforsenate.com to learn more about Dan and find out how you can support his candidacy.Also please spread the word amongst family, friends, colleagues and other members of the Wesleyan community.


Omair Sarwar ’06 and Nancy Winkelman ‘80

Good luck Dan!

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